Honda Filmed This Fantastic Documentary Back In 1962 And You Need To See It
Are you the kind of person who just can't get enough 'making of' videos? If getting a good look at the inside of factories is your bag, and you love it even more when they're important parts of motorcycle history, then we've got a very sweet treat for you today.
All the way back in 1962, Honda had the insight and/or foresight to create a fascinating documentary film (which, we reflect, must have been shot on actual film stock), taking everyone who watches it inside some of its motorcycle factories. At the time, it already operated multiple plants to produce the Cub 50, the original Benly, the Dream 250, and more.
To be totally clear, the narration is in Japanese. However, since it's 2023, you can easily turn on the closed captions and select translations in English or any other language you like as you watch. It's auto-translated, so it won't be perfect, but you'll at least be able to get the general idea.
Past Is Prologue:
It's a beautiful time capsule, showcasing not only some of the processes involved in making and assembling motorcycles in the factory, but also general life at Honda.
At one point, we get a visual visit to the very early days of what's now known as Honda Mobilityland, including a brief glimpse of the extremely early days of the beloved Honda Monkey in action as an amusement park ride. In another scene, we get to see a young Soichiro and fellow engineers and workers in the lunchroom, on break during a busy day.
There's also insight into motorcycle testing, from employees taking bikes out for weekend leisure activities like hunting and fishing, to putting some of the new machines through their paces at the motocross and hillclimb facility on Honda's grounds. We even get to see 1960s dyno testing and aerodynamics testing (complete with pieces of colored string)!
It's difficult to pick a favorite thing about this video, because there's so much to choose from. The editing and creative choices made are absolutely fantastic, and extremely of their era (and I mean that in the best way possible). The score (yes, it has a score!) is excellent, the sound effects are very fun, and even sometimes integrate some of the factory machinery sounds to help tell the story.
I dare you not to crack a smile at the proud marching band at the end as the transporters convey loads upon loads of Cubs out to be crated up and shipped around the world. The font choices are also extremely good.
It's a half-hour film that's well worth your time. If you can't stop what you're doing now, add it to your Watch Later queue and give it a go when you can. You won't regret it.